Accidents that occur at home may be more common than you thought. However, albeit putting extra safety precaution on almost any possible injury, accidents can still quite be encountered. While prevention is better than cure, being prepared for the “cure” part would still be necessary in these common “just in case” scenarios.

Tripping and tumbling

Although common among children running around the house’s parameter, even adults can experience this incident. Tripping or tumbling over something can cause a person to injure his or her head or even some muscles or bones in the body. If the injured was knocked unconscious, medical help is needed ASAP. This can be common for cluttered portions of the home or for stairs that don’t have aluminium step treads.


This can occur even when you least expect them, especially when dealing with hazardous chemicals. For instances of accidental ingestion, always have all the chemical bottles properly named accordingly to identify how to address the issue.


A couple lot of common items at home can be a possible cause for causing burn. From the just heated kettle pot, up to the steaming flat iron, we may be susceptible from accidental burning. In cases of mild blisters, always have lotion and ice ready, or some pain reliever ointment as a first aid treatment. However, major burns like skin deep burns, immediate professional care must be sought.


So many sharp materials that may bleed the skin for some reasons, like knives or glass shards. And we are well familiar of how to treat wound in basic first aid, such as applying pressure on the wound to cease the bleeding and even elevation of the wounded part to slow down the bleeding. That’s why you should never be out of gauze and disinfectant in your medicine cabinet.


There are also instances when we hit ourselves greatly on a very hard item, and it sored our muscles severely, like when slipping over a wet floor or not having durable safety message for stairs. This is another reason why you should always stock ice in your fridge. Bandages also work to prevent the sore muscles from too much swelling. Elevation of the injured part is highly recommended. Pain reliever medication is also an option for the injured. Keep in mind that it is important to seek the opinion of the doctor regarding the sprain even after first aid.